How to Use LSI Keyword to Boost SEO Ranking

The days of marketers obsessing over a particular keyword to get high rankings are long gone. Context is now the secret to creating unique content.

And with billions of searches being done each year, it results in many new questions.

The exact reason that LSI keywords have grown to be such a significant component of Google’s top ranking factors. Googlers are discovering many diverse and original ways to search for similar issues. 

Utilizing LSI keywords yields excellent outcomes from an SEO standpoint. You may increase the contextuality of your content and enhance your search ranking by including them. There are lot of tools available for keyword research and even professional seo services are good option to get a wider vision and expert advice on your SEO strategy. 

What Are LSI Keywords?

Since 2015, Google has emphasized the significance of LSI keywords. However, they haven’t invested much time in defining LSI keywords for Marketing professionals.

LSI keywords have a contextual relationship to the content’s main keyword.

Think about creating an article regarding Instagram growth. The keyword ” Instagram growth” refers to organic and paid Instagram growth.

Google can tell which one you’re referring to by looking for synonyms or phrases with similar semantic meanings. When discussing organic Instagram growth, for instance, your content is likely to include words like “shareable content,” “posting consistently,” “connecting with the audience,” and so on.

These semantically linked terms can be recognized by Google, which then determines the subject matter of your post.

Significance of LSI keywords

Your post will rank higher with LSI keywords.

LSI keywords help increase the relevance factor that Google considers when ranking a page.

Google perceives that your content is more relevant for a given search query if it contains several LSI keywords related to your primary keyword and places it higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Additionally, LSI keywords stop your page from showing up for incorrect keywords.

However, LSI keywords aren’t a panacea. Forcibly using relevant terms won’t result in a long-term gain in search ranking if your content isn’t helpful.

How to Find LSI Keywords

Assume your main keyword is “Instagram growth” to demonstrate how to locate LSI keywords.

Find the most relevant LSI keywords using the strategies below to improve the quality of your content and boost search engine rankings.

Google Autocomplete

Any search word entered into the Google search box immediately returns a list of possibilities. It’s among the most straightforward techniques to discover LSI keywords given any piece of content.

The ideas that display when you type the term “Instagram growth” are LSI keywords.

But, not every one of these ideas is reasonable. LSI keywords of this phrase, however, include

l Instagram growth strategy

l Instagram growth tips

l Instagram growth tools

l Instagram growth courses

The words on this list are those that Google anticipates seeing in the text relating to “Instagram growth.”

Related Search Suggestions on Google

At the end of each SERP, Google displays a section titled “Related Searches.” Finding terms that Google correlates with your primary keyword may be addressed effectively here as well.

Here are some potential LSI keywords you might derive:

l Instagram growth statistics

l Instagram growth followers

l Instagram growth strategy 2022

l Instagram growth tips

Google also highlights important phrases in search results using boldface. It is another significant resource of LSI keywords.

Google Keyword Planner

You can find LSI keywords with the help of Google Keyword Planner. Although it may be utilized for generic keyword research, this tool is mainly for AdWords marketers.

You must have an account in Adwords to utilize the Google Keyword Planner. You don’t need to conduct an advertisement campaign or spend any money to use Keyword Planner, though.


A free tool for researching LSI keywords is LSIGraph.

The list of potential LSI keywords will appear when you enter your primary keyword.

While some of the terms you identify with this tool could already be on Google, some new keywords are added.

How to Use LSI keywords to Boost SEO Ranking

You are now aware of how to discover LSI keywords. But do you know how to utilize them, though?

Let’s look at how to use LSI keywords to boost the SEO ranking of your article:

LSI Keywords Should be Used in Title Tags.

LSI keywords are usually long-tail variations of your primary keyword. For instance, if your primary keyword is “Instagram growth,” one of your LSIs would be “Instagram growth strategy.” 

The LSI keyword should be included in the title in this case. You will get visibility for the keywords “Instagram growth” and “Instagram growth strategy” by doing this.

LSI Keywords Should be Included in Meta Descriptions.

To grab searchers’ attention with your meta descriptions, use LSI keywords. Using LSI keywords in the meta description can help improve the overall CTR of the web page.

Use Image Alt Tags to Include LSI Keywords.

Your content’s images should all have alt tags. While writing alt tags, add some LSI keywords too. Adding keywords in the alt tags helps Google understand the context of the image and might help to rank in image search results.

Place your Most Important Keywords in your Article’s First Half

The sooner a relevant keyword appears in your text, the better it is. The first line should ideally contain your primary keyword. Then, employ the essential LSI keywords in the first 50 % of your content body. 

Place LSI Keywords in Headers

Some LSI keywords should appear in the article’s headings. It will help improve the content relevance, and LSI keywords can also help plan the content flow.

Include LSI Keywords that are Closely Related in Anchor Texts

Optimizing anchor texts for only one keyword might be dangerous for your SEO.

For instance, if you consistently connect your website to guest posts you create on other websites using the same keyword, “Instagram growth,” it will be challenging to rank for similar keywords.

Instead, include LSI keywords such as “Instagram growth tips” or “Instagram growth strategy” in your anchor texts for the maximum SEO benefit.

Utilizing LSI Keywords Improves the Search Ranking of Your Content

It takes practice to master SEO of content optimization with LSI keywords. Your SEO will increase if you use LSI keywords in the article.

To uncover LSI keywords and optimize your content for them, use the tools and strategies described in this article.


LSI keywords can help improve overall rankings and improve overall organic footprint for the website. It’s important to do keyword research and map the relevant keywords to the page according to intent.

You can also hire the professional SEO Services for keyword research, keyword mapping and  content gap analysis.  


Pentra SEO Agency

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