Backlink Guide

A lot of SEO is based on guesswork. However, backlinks and the art of link building are essential. 

We understand that you would like to improve your website’s ability to reach and appeal to a broader demographic. 

Link-building SEO! You’ll need a lot of them if you want to boost organic traffic to your web page.

If you’re starting your first company, you might be unsure where to begin. 

A backlink guide can answer all your questions like how to figure out what Google will and will not penalize you for. What exactly is the key difference between the dofollow and nofollow links? Does the anchor text have any effect?

Keep reading!

This beginner’s backlink guide discusses what is link building, the best link-building strategies, how to get more backlinks, and everything in between that you require to know about and their influence on search engine rankings.

What are Backlinks?

What are Backlinks?

Backlinks are links from various other websites that direct visitors to your web pages and are called inbound links or incoming links. 

Backlinks are important SEO. As they signal to search engines that other businesses or web pages consider your content to be useful and pertinent. 

However, not all backlinks are equal; some are more valuable than others depending on the authority and relevance of the linking website. 

It is important to focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks rather than simply accumulating a large number of them. They are the foundation of search engine optimization and have a major effect on Google’s algorithm

This algorithm has evolved dramatically over the years, but one thing remains constant: the quality of your backlink profile is a highly essential ranking factor.

Why are backlinks important for SEO?

Why are backlinks important for SEO?

Backlinks are important because they help search engines like Google determine the authority and relevance of a website. Every time a website is linked to a different website, it is basically certifying the grade and credibility of that site. 

The more high-quality backlinks a website has pointing to it, the more likely it is to be seen as an authority in its field by search engines. This can result in higher search engine rankings and more visibility for the website. 

Additionally, backlinks can drive traffic to a website from other sources, which can further increase its visibility and authority. Overall, backlinks are an essential part of building a successful online presence and improving search engine optimization.

This SEO link-building guide will also go over the benefits of backlinks to ensure that you are aware of how important they are for the success of your company.

Improved SEO

The primary advantage is that backlinks will enhance your website’s off-page SEO metrics. The caliber and quantity of incoming links in your website’s backlink profile are measured by Google’s ranking algorithm. The more high-quality links you can obtain, the higher your overall SEO score will be.

Improved Rankings

Higher rankings in search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo are other top backlink advantages when you obtain high-quality links to your website. And, for certain online business owners, this is perhaps the most significant consideration out of everything else on this list.

The PageRank system underpins Google’s ranking algorithm. The incoming links to a web page are the central component of that algorithm. 

The popularity of a page determines its value, which contributes to determining the order of the URL’s search engine ranking for relevant keywords.

Increased visibility in search engines

The higher your keyword rankings, the more visible your web page will be on search engines. Furthermore, higher-ranking pages are inclined to rank for the majority of the keywords in that niche. 

As a result, another advantage of backlinks in SEO is that your content can be found by a greater variety of search terms that you may have targeted specifically through on-page SEO.

Traffic from Backlinks

The advantages of backlinks rise beyond high direct traffic from search engines. 

An effective backlink can also send indirect referral traffic to your website. This happens when individuals click on links in a blog post and end up on a different web page.

One of the most significant advantages of referral traffic from backlinks is that it contains visitors who want to find out more about what you have to say. 

A good backlink on a high-quality website can raise brand awareness without requiring you to contend directly for user clicks in the SERPs.

Increased Revenue

When the initial benefits of backlinks are considered together, it is easy to see how inbound links can result in higher earnings for your company. 

As your website rises in the SERPs and more individuals click on links in other posts to view what you have to offer, the total number of guests who arrive at your site rises.

This, in turn, may result in a greater number of people purchasing from you. When you develop links effectively during an SEO campaign, backlinks can be a driving force in your company’s top-line revenue.

Increased Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is a vital advantage of backlinks in SEO for both emerging and established websites. When it comes to distinguishing between rival companies, branding can be an essential component in driving customer choices. 

In other words, the business with the highest level of awareness frequently captures the interest of buyers and generates the most revenue.

When your site gets a large number of backlinks from high-authority websites in your field, your company’s brand authority will rise. 

Consumers who see your brand and links appear repeatedly on associated websites will typically identify the business as having a greater share of the market, even if it does not.

Now you know what is link building and the benefits of link building SEO. Up next in this backlink guide, let us discover different ways to identify high-quality backlinks

Ways to identify high-quality links

A great link has the following key components:

  • It is from a trustworthy website that contains excellent content.
  • It is pertinent to your field and site.
  • The website that is linking to you is very authoritative.

There are numerous variables that can influence them as well. Examples include:

  • Page and site authority
  • Relevancy
  • Link’s position on the page
  • Anchor text
  • Editorial link
  • Referring domains
  • Contextual vs non-contextual backlinks
  • Dofollow and nofollow links

Page and domain authority

A backlink from a high-authority domain is considered more valuable than a backlink from a low-authority domain. 

There are more than one billion websites in the world, however, not all of them possess the exact level of impact. Wikipedia has a more significant impact on Google than a local blog post as the Wikipedia team has established an image as an authority in its niche over a period.

SEO tools, on the other hand, exhibit your site’s estimation as an overall rating out of 100. They all have various titles for it as well.

  • Domain Authority (DA)
  • Domain Rating (DR)
  • Authority Score (AS), and so on. 

The metric is the same, but each tool advertises it in distinct ways.

It’s not a legitimate Google ranking factor, but it can be an accurate representation of the position you stand in relation to your competitors. The greater your score, the greater the trust Google has in you.

You can use tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or Majestic to check the authority of the linking domain.

The primary objective is to gain trust and backlinks from such websites with high domain authority. Is it difficult to obtain backlinks from websites with excellent credibility? 

True, but they’re extremely valuable. Is the page that is linking to you a PageRank monster? If this is the case, that link will have an enormous effect on your rankings.

Therefore, the reputation of the page linking to you is more important than any other element.

This is due to the fact that links from authoritative pages transmit greater authority (which is also known as PageRank) to your website.


When it comes to links, the authority of a site is important.

However, the relevance of that site is also important.

A backlink from a page that is relevant to your website’s topic is more valuable than a backlink from an irrelevant page. 

You can check the relevance of the linking page by analyzing its content and the keywords it targets.

Link’s position on the page

Is your link incorporated in some parts of the content? Or is it tucked in the footer of a page?

The position of your link on a webpage is essential.

Links hidden in footers and sidebars, for instance, aren’t nearly as valuable as links found directly in the middle of body content on a page.

What’s the bottom line? You need your links to show up in the page’s main body.

Anchor text

The anchor text of a backlink is the clickable text that appears on the linking page. If the anchor text is relevant to your website’s topic and includes your target keywords, it can help improve your search engine rankings. 

The anchor text is intended to stand out in a phrase so that the audience is aware it is clickable. Readers will be directed to the linked URL if they do so. 

However, if the anchor text is over-optimized or irrelevant, it can hurt your rankings.

Editorial links

These are natural links that are earned based on the quality and relevance of your content. To earn editorial backlinks, you need to create high-quality, valuable content that other websites will want to link to. 

This can include blog posts, infographics, or original research studies.

Referring domains

Referring domains are the distinct websites from which your backlinks originate. Although numerous backlinks from a single website are beneficial (especially if they are all of the high quality), numerous backlinks from a single website only count together as a single referring domain.

So, why is increasing the number of referring domains important? Aside from SEO, a positive relationship between the quantity of unique referring domains and the quantity of search traffic received by a web page is essential.

So, yes. The quantity of backlinks you have is crucial. However, the total amount of superior-quality referring domains is even more important.

Contextual vs non-contextual backlinks

Contextual links are embedded in the primary section of content and are enclosed by text. They are pertinent to the paragraph and read organically. 

These are also more SEO-friendly than those put somewhere else.

Non-contextual backlinks are typically found in the writer’s bio (at the bottom of a blog post) or the navigation bar, and they frequently link to social media accounts or different private websites. 

As they are less relevant, Google has difficulty determining how strongly connected the two pages are and will most likely overlook them.

Dofollow and nofollow links

Webmasters may incorporate two kinds of links on their pages. Prior to 2005, all were dofollow links. Google introduced nofollow links to combat black hat link-building methods.

Black-hat SEO practices violate search engine guidelines intentionally. These are examples: 

  • Keyword stuffing – repeating the same keyword to manipulate ranking
  • Cloaking – displaying different content to readers and search engines
  • Buying links – If you are caught using these, you will face consequences.

Dofollow links transfer authority to the linked website from the host page. They basically convey to Google that your web page is trustworthy. This vote of confidence gradually improves search engine rankings

Nofollow links are used by the majority of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. 

These links instruct search engines not to include them in search rankings, but that doesn’t imply that they aren’t useful. They are used by many authoritative websites, which may end up in improved traffic, awareness of the brand, and credibility.

The code rel=”nofollow” is used to identify nofollow links. The “rel” specifies the relationship of the page linking to its target.

Types of backlinks and ways to use them to build your profile

Types of backlinks

This backlink guide uncovers the types of backlinks and how to get more backlinks by building your profile.

Building a diverse backlink profile that includes a variety of different types of backlinks can help you improve your search engine rankings and build your authority in your industry. 

By focusing on creating valuable content and building relationships with other experts in your field, you can earn high-quality backlinks that will help you achieve your goals.

There are numerous methods for obtaining backlinks from other websites. Some require little effort, while others require extensive assistance once published.

  • Links that were earned naturally
  • Identifying broken links
  • The Moving Man Method
  • Blogging as a guest
  • Discovering mentions in the absence of backlinks
  • Top content repurposed for other platforms

Links that were earned naturally

When you publish your content, some individuals will organically connect to it as they find it beneficial. If you’re obtaining these types of backlinks, it means your content is providing your readers with what they require.

If you’re not receiving any, consider the caliber of your content in the first place. Creating valuable, pertinent content that answers people’s concerns is the most essential element for ranking on Google.

Another natural strategy to get links is to cite specialists in the field, influencers, and businesses in your post. When it’s published, contact them and inform them. If it’s high-quality work, they’re likely to share it with their target demographic. 

If low-quality content isn’t a problem, then make it simple for consumers to locate it. To ensure you’re properly indexed and visible, read up on Google Search Essentials.

Everything you publish should also have a sound distribution plan. This may include:

  • Social media sharing
  • Sending to other websites 
  • Leveraging content marketing tools
  • Don’t forget to include internal links in everything you publish. These make it easier for users to explore your site and locate other information that is related to their search. Furthermore, Google adores them. Check out the internal linking best practices to boost SEO.

Identifying broken links

One of the ways to earn backlinks is to identify broken links on other websites and reach out to the website owners to replace those links with your own relevant content. 

This involves finding high-authority websites in your niche and using tools to check for broken links on their pages. After you have identified broken links, you can reach out to the website owners, letting them know about the broken links and offering your own content as a replacement. 

This method of earning backlinks is beneficial to both parties since website owners get their broken links fixed, and you get a valuable backlink to your website.

The key to successful broken link building is to find broken links that are relevant to your content and to provide high-quality content that can act as a replacement. 

This method requires effort and patience, but it can result in a significant increase in backlinks and traffic to your website.

Check out how to identify backlinks and rectify them here.

The Moving Man Method

The Moving Man Method is a popular technique for earning backlinks. 

It involves finding broken links on websites that are relevant to your content and reaching out to the website owner to suggest that they replace the broken link with a link to your content. 

The key to success with the Moving Man Method is to make sure that your content is high-quality and relevant to the broken link that you are replacing. 

The following process helps in gaining success:

  • Spot the companies in your domain that are no longer functioning or have an outdated website
  • With the help of an SEO tool, identify all the websites that link to it
  • Reach out to the business owners and pitch your content as optional

This approach can be time-consuming, but it is an effective way to earn high-quality backlinks that can help to improve your search engine rankings over time.

Blogging as a guest

Guest blogging is a prevalent method of earning backlinks. This involves writing blog posts for other websites within your niche and including a link back to your own website within the content. 

It is important to ensure that the content you write is high quality and relevant to the website you are guest blogging on. 

By doing this, you can increase the chances of your post being accepted and shared by the website, which can lead to more traffic and backlinks to your own site. 

Additionally, guest blogging can help to establish you as an expert in your niche and can lead to new networking opportunities.

Discovering mentions in the absence of backlinks

One of the types of earning backlinks is finding mentions of your brand or website without backlinks. This involves identifying instances where your brand or website has been mentioned in an article or blog post, but the author has not included a hyperlink to your site. 

Start searching for your brand name in Google. 

Manually analyze the initial few pages to see if there are any ignored link-building possibilities.

Once these mentions are identified, you can reach out to the author and request that they add a link to your site. This can be an effective way to earn backlinks and increase your website’s visibility in search engine results pages. 

However, it can be time-consuming to identify these mentions and reach out to authors, so it may be worth considering outsourcing this task to a digital marketing agency or using a tool that can automate the process.

Top content repurposed for other platforms

Another effective way of earning backlinks is to repurpose top content for other platforms. This involves taking your most successful content, such as a popular blog post, and adapting it for use on other platforms. 

With the help of tools like Google Analytics, identify the content that drives more traffic and attains maximum conversion. 

Repurpose them for other platforms like Slideshare, YouTube, Instagram, Quora, etc.

For example, you could create a video based on the blog post, or turn it into an infographic. 

By doing so, you create fresh content that appeals to different audiences and has the potential to attract new backlinks. 

Additionally, repurposing content saves time and resources as you are building on something that has already proven successful.

You can follow the same technique for content that underperforms as well. They get another chance by recycling.

Build links with content marketing

It’s obvious that great backlinks are unlocked by great content.

But here’s the thing: 

  • Simply producing content won’t get you any links.
  • Certain forms of content work better for link development.

Here are the four sorts of material that create the most links:

Visual Assets

Visual assets include:

  • Images 
  • Diagrams 
  • Infographics
  • Charts and other visually oriented information

Visual assets are extremely simple to connect to. 

For instance, if you publish a chart on your website, you will receive a link whenever somebody shares that chart on their website. 

For text-based material, the “share my media files and link to me as you do” dealings simply do not work.

Posts on a list

A numbered collection of suggestions, tactics, causes, and misconceptions…or almost anything.

List articles condense a lot of information into manageable, bite-sized morsels. 

Research and statistics data

The latest information from industry studies, polls, or original research is revealed in this content. 

Statistics and data are inextricably linked. When someone mentions your data, they will include a link to you. These links pile up fast. 

Ultimate Guides

A thorough reference guide that includes all relevant information on a particular subject. 

In-depth guides include an enormous quantity of knowledge in a single location. 

As a result, your guide becomes the go-to spot for that subject. 

It’s time to start building links now that you’ve developed some link-worthy material. 

For instance, a backlink guide like this explains what is link building and the best link-building strategies and tools to get more backlinks. 


With evident old-fashioned email marketing. 

Build links with emails

Email outreach is essential for building white hat links.

But how can you contact bloggers and journalists without landing in their junk folders?

To discover, continue reading this backlink guide.

Look for “Likely Linkers”

Likely Linkers, as the name implies, are those who are likely to connect to you.

To begin, enter the desired search term into Google.

Grab the first result’s URL and paste it into a backlink tool like SEMrush for link analysis.

Discover their email address and send tailored emails to them.

After you’ve identified a Likely Linker, you’re ready to get their email address.

Scripts will be required if you wish to scale your outreach.\

The idea is to have your email script seem natural.

But here’s an instance of one of my most effective email scripts:

Take note of the manner in which the script permits you of customization with no effort.

Proven techniques to generate backlinks

The Skyscraper Technique 

The Skyscraper Technique is a proven strategy to generate backlinks to your website which involves discovering prevalent content in your field and creating something more promising.

You start by researching articles that have a lot of backlinks and social shares. 

Once you find a piece of content, you create a similar piece but with added value, such as more up-to-date information or better visuals. 

Next, you reach out to the websites that are linked to the actual content and deliver them your improvised version. This often results in them linking to your content instead, giving you valuable backlinks and improving your search engine rankings.

The Skyscraper Technique is a powerful tool for any website owner looking to improve their SEO and increase their online visibility.

The Reverse Skyscraper Technique 

One of the proven techniques to generate backlinks is the Reverse Skyscraper Technique. 

This approach implicates discovering prevalent content in your domain that has yielded a lot of backlinks and making a better version of it. 

To get started, you need to conduct research to find a popular content in your niche. Once you have found the content, create a better version of it by adding more value and making it more comprehensive. 

Next, reach out to the websites that linked to the original content and let them know about your improved version. Most of the websites will be willing to link to your content. 

This technique is effective because it is easier to convince website owners to link to a better version of their already popular content.

Resource page link building 

Resource page link building is a method of generating backlinks by creating a page on a website that lists helpful resources related to a specific topic. 

By including relevant websites and blogs on this page, webmasters can attract links from those same sites. 

To make the process more efficient, it’s important to use a tool to find resource pages in your niche. Once you’ve identified relevant pages, you can use email outreach to request a link to your site. 

The key is to offer a helpful resource relevant to the content on the resource page. 

This technique has been proven to be effective in getting quality backlinks that can improve your website’s search engine rankings.

Broken link building 

Broken link building is a proven technique to generate backlinks. This method involves finding broken links on high-authority websites and notifying the site owner about the broken link. Then, you suggest your own content to replace the broken link. 

This benefits both the site owner, who gets a functioning link and you, who gain a backlink to your website. 

The key to successful broken link building is to find broken links that are relevant to your content and to provide high-quality content that can act as a replacement. 

This method requires effort and patience, but it can result in a significant increase in backlinks and traffic to your website.

301 redirect link building 

301 redirect link building is a powerful and proven technique to generate backlinks to your website. 

This technique involves redirecting an old URL to a new one and leveraging the old URL’s existing backlinks to boost the new URL’s visibility and authority. 

To implement this strategy, you first need to identify URLs that have substantial backlinks pointing to them but are no longer in use. Once you have identified these URLs, you can redirect them to a relevant page on your website and retain the link juice from the original backlinks. 

This can significantly improve your website’s search engine ranking and increase organic traffic. However, it’s important to note that this technique requires careful planning and execution to avoid any negative impact on your website’s SEO.

Pitch ‘best x in y’ listicles  

Listicles titled “Best A in B” are articles that list the greatest entities in a given region or sector. Discovering and proposing listicles in which you are not currently included will help you gain additional visibility and backlinks.

Bear a couple of things in mind when doing so:

  • Your pitch should be logical.
  • It might not always be appropriate to make a pitch in the first email.

In such a situation, they’re unlikely to add it simply because they’re requested to. Get it started by creating a relationship with them.

For instance, If you run a coffee shop, you can invite the author to taste your coffee and then it is easy to win them over if they like your product.

Podcast interviews 

Podcast interviews are when you appear as a specialist on a podcast and face questions from the presenter.

Each of them will only take about an hour of your time, and if you select them well, you will certainly get backlinks. This is due to the fact that most podcasts have episode pages on their own websites that always connect to the guest’s website and social accounts.

You must first identify podcasts to pitch by browsing Google for popular industry podcasts. The majority of the results will be listicles.

Ensure that the podcast’s episode pages are connected to their guests’ websites or social media profiles before pitching.

Pursue link gaps 

This technique involves identifying gaps in the link profiles of your competitors and reaching out to the websites that link to them to request a link to your own website. 

This can be done by using tools such as Ahrefs or SEMrush to analyze the backlink profiles of your competitors and identify the websites that link to them but not to your website. 

Once you have identified these websites, you can reach out to them and request a link to your website, highlighting the value that your content can bring to their audience.

Get stockist links 

Getting stockist links involves reaching out to retailers or stockists who carry your products and asking them to link back to your website. Not only does this give you a valuable backlink, but it also helps to drive more traffic to your site from potential customers who are interested in purchasing your products. 

For instance, if you’re an online store owner, this approach will turn out to be an effective eCommerce link-building technique. 

Consider offering incentives to stockists who link back to your site, such as discounts on future orders or exclusive access to new product releases. By leveraging your existing relationships with stockists, you can quickly and easily build a strong backlink profile that will help boost your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

Utilize existing memberships 

If you are a member of industry-related associations or groups, you can leverage those connections to create inbound links. This is due to the fact that they frequently have team or advisory pages or forum pages where they will gladly mention and link to you if you ask. Ensure that your website is listed in your member profile or directory listing and take advantage of any opportunities to share content or provide guest posts. Additionally, if you offer products or services that are relevant to other businesses, consider reaching out to partner with them on promotional campaigns or joint content creation. 

Create a listing of all the organizations, groups, and clubs you’re a part of in order to locate chances. 

Pitch link roundups 

Link roundups are blog posts or articles that compile a list of valuable resources or articles related to a particular topic. 

The goal of these roundups is to provide readers with a comprehensive list of quality content, and in turn, increase traffic to their blog or website. 

To pitch a link roundup, you need to identify blogs or websites in your niche that regularly publish roundups. Once you’ve found these websites, reach out to the owner or editor of the blog and suggest your content for inclusion in their next roundup. 

Be sure to highlight the value your content brings and how it is relevant to their audience. If your content is accepted, you’ll receive a valuable backlink, which can help improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

Internal backlinks

Internal backlinks are hyperlinks that point from one page on a website to another page on the same website. 

These links help search engines understand the structure of the website and the relationship between different pages. Internal backlinks are also useful for guiding visitors to related content on the website, keeping them engaged and spending more time on the site. 

To create effective internal backlinks, make sure to use descriptive anchor text that accurately represents the content on the linked page. Additionally, ensure that the linked page is relevant to the content on the linking page. 

By utilizing internal backlinks, website owners can improve their website’s SEO and provide a better user experience for their visitors.

Tools to build backlinks


Mentioned is a backlink platform that connects businesses with relevant influencers and bloggers to generate high-quality backlinks. The platform allows users to create campaigns and set their own requirements for backlinks, such as domain authority or niche relevance. Influencers and bloggers can then apply to participate in the campaign and create backlinks to the user’s website. 

Mentioned streamlines the process of building backlinks, saving businesses time and effort. Additionally, the platform provides analytics to track the performance of each campaign and monitor the impact of the generated backlinks on search engine rankings. 

Overall, Mentioned is a valuable tool for businesses looking to improve their SEO and increase their online visibility.


Medium is a popular platform for content creators, with over 60 million monthly readers. In addition to its content creation capabilities, Medium also provides a backlink platform for users. 

Medium’s backlink platform allows users to include links to their own websites or other relevant websites within their articles. 

This not only helps to drive traffic to their site but also improves their SEO efforts. Overall, Medium’s backlink platform is a valuable tool for content creators looking to improve their online presence.


HARO, which stands for Help A Reporter Out, is a platform that connects journalists and bloggers with sources for their articles. However, it also serves as a great opportunity to earn backlinks for your website. By signing up as a source on HARO, you can receive daily emails with queries from reporters who are looking for expert opinions or quotes for their articles. 

If you provide a valuable response and get quoted in their article, you may receive a backlink to your website. 

This can help improve your website’s search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your site. 

HARO is a free platform, but there is also a paid version that offers additional features and benefits. Overall, HARO is a great way to build backlinks and increase your online visibility.


Pinterest is a platform that is often overlooked as a backlink-building tool. However, it can be an effective way to generate high-quality backlinks to your website. 

Get a Pinterest account and create boards related to your domain to get begin with Pin high-quality images and include descriptions that contain relevant keywords. Make sure to include a link back to your website in the description or directly on the pin. 

You can also join group boards related to your niche and contribute valuable content. This will give you the opportunity to include a link back to your website in your pins and increase your exposure to potential customers. 

By consistently using Pinterest as a backlink-building platform, you can improve your website’s search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your site.


Digg is a popular backlink-building platform that can help bring more traffic to your website. =

This platform allows you to submit articles and other content, which can then be voted on by other users. The more votes your content receives, the higher it will appear on the Digg homepage, and the more traffic it will receive. 

Additionally, Digg offers tools to help you track your website’s backlinks, so you can monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed. 

With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Digg is a valuable tool for anyone looking to boost their website’s traffic and search engine rankings through backlink building.


Bizsugar is a backlink-building platform that allows businesses to increase their website traffic and improve their search engine ranking. It works by allowing users to submit their website links and content to the platform, which are then shared and promoted by other members of the community. 

This sharing and promotion help to build backlinks to the website, which are important factors in search engine optimization. Bizsugar also offers a range of features such as voting and commenting, which can help to increase engagement and visibility for submitted content. 

With its focus on backlink building and community engagement, Bizsugar is a valuable tool for businesses looking to improve their online presence.


Flipboard is a popular backlink platform that allows users to create and curate their own personalized magazines. 

With its easy-to-use interface, users can add articles, blog posts, and other types of content to their magazines, which can then be shared with others. 

Flipboard also provides a great way to discover new content, as users can browse through the magazines of other users and find articles and posts that they might not have found otherwise. 

Additionally, Flipboard offers a powerful search feature that allows users to find specific topics or keywords within the platform. 

Whether you’re looking to create your own magazine or simply discover new content, Flipboard is a great platform to explore.

Rhino Rank 

Rhino Rank is a powerful backlink platform that helps website owners improve their search engine rankings by providing high-quality backlinks. 

With Rhino Rank, users can easily find and purchase backlinks from authoritative websites and blogs that are relevant to their niche. 

The platform also offers a range of SEO tools and analytics to help users track their progress and identify areas for improvement. 

Rhino Rank’s intuitive interface and user-friendly features make it easy for anyone to use, regardless of their level of experience. 

Whether you’re a seasoned SEO expert or just starting out, Rhino Rank is a valuable tool for improving your website’s search engine visibility and driving more traffic to your site.


GrowthHackers is a popular platform that provides Backlink SEO services. The platform is designed to help businesses increase their website’s search engine ranking by acquiring high-quality backlinks. 

Backlinks are links from other websites to your website and are an important factor in search engine algorithms. 

GrowthHackers offers a variety of Backlink SEO services, including link building, guest posting, and content marketing. The platform has a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping businesses achieve their SEO goals. 

In addition, GrowthHackers provides detailed reports and analysis to help businesses track their progress and make informed decisions. 

The platform uses a variety of techniques to help businesses build backlinks, including guest blogging, broken link building, and resource page link building.

  • Allows businesses to search for websites that accept guest posts and submit their own content for publication.
  • Allows businesses to search for broken links on relevant websites and offer to replace them with a link to their own website.
  • Allows businesses to find resource pages on other websites and offer to be included on the page in exchange for a backlink to their own website.

Overall, GrowthHackers is a great choice for businesses that want to improve their search engine ranking and drive more traffic to their website.


Reddit is a social media platform where users can submit their content and engage in discussions on various topics. It is also a great platform for backlinking, as it allows users to include links to their websites or blogs in their posts and comments. 

By sharing valuable and relevant content on Reddit, businesses and individuals can attract more traffic to their websites and improve their search engine rankings. However, it is important to note that spamming or over-promotion of a website can lead to penalties or even a ban from the platform. 

Reddit is divided into thousands of subreddits, which are focused on specific topics. To use Reddit for backlink building, you need to find subreddits that are relevant to your niche. You can use the search function on Reddit to find subreddits related to your industry or topic.

Once you’ve found relevant subreddits, you need to participate in the community by commenting on posts and submitting your own content. 

However, it’s important to avoid being overly self-promotional or spammy. Instead, focus on providing value to the community by answering questions and sharing insights.

When sharing your own content on Reddit, make sure it’s high-quality and valuable to the community. You can share blog posts, infographics, or other types of content that will be of interest to the subreddit members.

When including a link to your website in a Reddit post or comment, make sure to use anchor text that is relevant to your content. However, avoid using overly-optimized anchor text or spammy tactics to try to rank higher in search results.

Therefore, it is crucial to follow Reddit’s guidelines and etiquette while using it as a backlink SEO platform.


Discord is a popular backlink SEO platform used by many digital marketers. Its user-friendly interface and features allow users to easily monitor and track their backlinks, as well as connect with other SEO professionals to share insights and strategies. 

With Discord, users can create custom notifications to stay up-to-date on any changes or updates to their backlinks. 

Additionally, the platform offers advanced analytics and reporting tools to help users analyze their backlink profiles and make data-driven decisions to improve their SEO performance. 

Overall, Discord is a powerful tool for those looking to improve their backlink strategy and achieve better search engine rankings.


Quora is a question-and-answer platform that allows users to ask and answer questions related to any topic. Quora can be an effective platform for backlink building, as it allows businesses to share their expertise, answer questions related to their industry, and drive traffic to their website.

By answering questions related to their industry, businesses can establish themselves as experts and build credibility with their target audience. In their answers, businesses can provide helpful information and include a link to their website as a resource.

Businesses can also share their relevant blog posts or articles on Quora, as long as they are relevant to the question being asked. This can help drive traffic to their website and establish their authority in their industry.

Engaging with the Quora community by commenting on other answers, upvoting helpful responses, and asking and answering questions can also help businesses build relationships and establish their credibility on the platform.

To effectively use Quora for backlink building, businesses should follow these best practices:

  • Choose questions that are relevant to their industry and expertise
  • Provide helpful and informative answers
  • Include a link to their website as a resource
  • Avoid spamming or self-promotion
  • Engage with the Quora community by commenting, upvoting, and asking and answering questions


Ahrefs is a backlink-building platform that has gained immense popularity in the digital marketing industry. It provides an extensive range of tools that help businesses improve their website’s ranking, research competitors, and track their progress.

Site Explorer allows businesses to understand their website’s backlink profile, research their competitors’ backlink profiles, and identify opportunities to improve their ranking.

With Content Explorer, businesses can identify the most popular content in their niche, research their competitors’ content strategies, and develop their content marketing plan.

Businesses can use Keyword Explorer to research keywords, analyze keyword difficulty, and identify opportunities to rank for specific keywords.

Rank Tracker provides businesses with real-time updates on their website’s ranking, tracks their progress over time, and identifies opportunities to improve their ranking.

Ahrefs provides numerous benefits to businesses to improve their website’s ranking, research competitors and save businesses a significant amount of time and effort.


SourceBottle is a platform that connects journalists and bloggers with sources for their stories, including experts, businesses, and individuals. 

It is also a great tool for backlink building as it allows you to submit your own story ideas and expert opinions to be featured in articles on other websites. 

This can help increase your website’s visibility and authority by earning backlinks from reputable sources. Additionally, by responding to requests from journalists and bloggers, you can build relationships with them and potentially secure future opportunities for collaboration and promotion. 

Overall, SourceBottle is a valuable resource for businesses and individuals looking to expand their online presence and build their backlink profiles.


Newswires are a type of backlink-building platform that allows businesses and individuals to distribute their press releases to various media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, and online news websites. 

By using newswires, you can reach a wider audience and potentially earn backlinks from reputable sources, which can improve your website’s search engine ranking and visibility.

Newswires typically offer various distribution options, including national, regional, and industry-specific distribution. They also offer additional services such as media monitoring and analytics to measure the success of your press release distribution.

It is important to note that newswires can be expensive, and not all press releases will be picked up by media outlets. However, if your press release is newsworthy and well-written, it can increase your chances of getting media coverage and earning backlinks.

Overall, newswires can be a valuable tool for backlink building and increasing your online visibility. It is important to carefully research and choose a reputable newswire service that aligns with your goals and budget.

Resource lists

Resource lists are a type of backlink building platform that involves creating and sharing lists of valuable resources related to a particular industry or topic. These lists can include links to blog posts, articles, tools, and other websites that are relevant and useful to your target audience.

By creating resource lists, you can establish your website as a reputable source of information and attract backlinks from other websites that find your resources valuable. Additionally, resource lists can drive traffic to your website and increase your online visibility.

To create effective resource lists, it is important to conduct thorough research and curate high-quality resources that are relevant to your target audience. You can promote your resource lists through social media, email newsletters, and outreach to other websites to encourage them to link to your list.

Overall, resource lists can be a valuable and cost-effective way to build backlinks and improve your website’s search engine ranking, while also providing value to your audience by curating valuable resources in your industry or niche.

Backlink analysis

Backlink analysis is a thorough examination of a website’s backlinks in order to assess the site’s efficiency as well as discover issues that could influence its search engine ranking.

Backlink analysis is the SEO equivalent of visiting a doctor for a health check. You should do it on a regular basis to make sure that every aspect is in order, and also when something goes wrong.

Finishing this procedure is one of the most effective ways to learn about your site’s health and the factors that influence its ranking. Perhaps you’ve spotted a significant drop in your ranking, or you’re just not achieving the results you expected.

A backlink analysis will also provide you with information about the strategies your competitors are employing as well as what you could incorporate in your own approach.

Finally, it’s an opportunity for discovering novel possibilities for expansion that you haven’t yet investigated.

Select the websites to be examined

While it is obvious that you will analyze your own website, you will also want to concentrate on the competitor sites you wish to examine.

You could have already got a few ideas in mind, but if not, choose sites that:

  • Provide identical goods or services.
  • Ones that are currently ranking higher than you for your intended keywords.

Choose an auditing tool

While you could perform an in-depth backlink audit manually, it is likely more effective to employ a backlink tool that already includes the essential functions you require.

There are multiple backlink audit tools available, with varying prices and capabilities. They’re usually found as a component within an SEO tool like SEMrush.

Get a high-level overview

When you have selected an auditing tool, you can begin with the evaluation.

Search for your domain name in the search bar and see what comes up.

You’ll begin with a massive amount of data. Focus on the following metrics to get an immediate sense of the way your site is performing:

Total Backlinks

A backlink is created when, for example, a website X composes a blog post and links to a web page of website Y. If this number is extremely minimal, it could be evidence that your webpage is not ranking successfully.

Referring Domain

The number of websites that redirect to your site is referred to as the referring domains. Referring domain is defined as website A pointing to website B. This is counted as one referring domain and the quantity of referring domain matters. 

Organizing these domains by the authority will show you how important these websites are to your ranking as well as offer ideas for future outreach.

Top linked pages: 

The top linked pages are the web pages with the maximum backlinks. This may denote the best type of content for link building.

Keep doing this process with your rivals to establish a baseline and determine where you fall. Depending on the tool, you might be able to evaluate these metrics on a single page without switching between them.

Examine every detail

It’s time to get into the weeds and take a look at metrics that will address the “why.”

Start by reviewing those anchor texts, which are the phrases used to link to your website. This is an excellent method for identifying malicious backlinks that may be harming your ranking.

Are you uncertain about how to tell if a referral domain is fraudulent? Look at the anchor text. It should be helpful to the content on your website. It’s spam if it looks like it came from your junk folder and contains explicit language.

After you’ve found these links, you can contact the websites and request them to be removed. It’s a lengthy shot, but it could be successful in some cases.

The most realistic option is to disavow those links, which basically tells the search engine to disregard those backlinks.

In terms of spam, you should examine your country code top-level domain (ccTLD) distribution. It is the last part of a URL that specifies the location from which it originates.

This is an additional technique to recognize websites that may be the cause of your negative SEO (i.e. fraudulent activity practice intended to harm your ranking).

If your website receives a lot of traffic from location A, for example, having a lot of backlinks from its domain would not be a red flag. However, if you begin to notice links with unfamiliar TLD, you should investigate further.

Following that will be broken or lost links. It’s essential to recognize broken and lost links because they cost you “link juice,” or the opportunity to rank higher from a backlink. Furthermore, it may make your website more difficult to crawl.

How do you repair it? There are several options:

  • Contact the referring domain and request that it be corrected.
  • Redirect the broken page to your new webpage or a different page on your website that contains similar information.

Check out to know what your rivals are up to

When you delve further into your domain, evaluate your findings to those of your rivals.

Examine the referring domains of the website that is outranking you, for example. 

If there is not much overlap between your list and theirs, this may point you in the right direction for which domains to target.

It’s also a good idea to assess your backlink acquisition rate to that of your rivals. Are they expanding far more rapidly than you? It may draw attention to another area that requires more research.

Backlink analysis is a vital component of your digital marketing plan and will necessitate periodic upkeep. 

However, as long as you are aware of what to look for, the procedure should be painless.

The Wrap

That’s it for the SEO link-building guide or backlink guide.

Backlinking is a critical component of digital marketing and SEO—it’s one of the few aspects that Google has verified vital. These kinds of links may considerably boost your brand’s authority in the industry and help you reach a larger audience. 

Some of the strategies discussed in this backlink guide will not help your ranking attempts, but they may enhance traffic to your site and possibly conversions. 

It is critical to have the best link-building strategies. Try out the techniques and platforms listed in this guide to building backlinks to see which ones perform best for you. It may require a bit of experimentation, but it will be worthwhile.

Backlinking techniques to avoid:

Google cracking down on the incorrect sorts of backlinks. These may be harmful to your company, so don’t become lazy and take the easy way out. 

They will also decrease your brand’s authority and may prohibit your web page from ranking at all in search engines. As a result, avoid the following backlinking techniques:

  • Private blog networks (PBNs) – These money-making strategies boost search ranks artificially in order to game the algorithm and breach PageRank guidelines.
  • Exchange of links – Trading hundreds of links in sidebars and footers with irrelevant firms will catch you off guard.
  • Paying for links – Google tracks down anyone who buys links and removes them from search results.
  • Phishing blog comments with a link to your website- Google penalizes these links since they are not part of the primary content and were not added by the site administrator.
  • Low-quality guest posts – Search engines will label spammy content on third-party websites as worthless.
  • Cloaking – Attempting to fool search engines by inserting backlinks that fit in with the backdrop is referred to as keyword stuffing.