How Many Keywords Per Page for SEO Should You Focus On?

how many keywords should be used for seo

In the SEO industry, keywords are an inseparable part. Even though SEO experts (myself included) encourage customers to focus on metrics other than the modest keyword ranking, the reality remains that ranking well in Google for keywords with considerable search volume will (generally) result in traffic to your website.

Keeping track of keywords is, of course, not a cheap endeavor. You must limit the number of keywords you track per page and website, whether you spend your time manually reviewing ranks or paying for a keyword rank tracking solution.

How Many Keywords Do You Need to Focus On?

It is suggested that you concentrate your efforts on a single primary keyword per webpage. However, your primary goal should be to rank for one keyword per page; you can also strive to rank for other related keywords on this particular web page.

Searching for this keyword will reveal that you’re already ranking for long-tail variations.

As a result of your page’s unclear content, Google will have difficulty deciphering what it is about if you try to rank for too many keywords.

How many different keywords can a page rank for?

An individual page’s ability to rank for a certain number of keywords is based on the total number of searches for that keyword and the page’s level of SEO optimization.

According to a study, one page can rank for up to 3 million keywords. According to this study’s research results, more than 1,000 related keywords were also rated on this page.

Three study groups were formed:

  •         In their sample, they included all of the keywords.
  •         An expected search volume of over 1,000
  •         Keywords with a monthly search volume of over ten thousand

In the end, they discovered that keywords with more search traffic ranked higher for other phrases.

The study then looked into whether articles with a longer word count ranked higher for keywords, which they do, which makes sense as a higher word count means more keywords to rank for.

If you’re wondering how many different variations of the same keyword you may rank for, the answer is over 10,000.

In terms of SEO, how many keywords is too many?

Too many terms on one page can hurt your search engine rankings. Keyword stuffing is a technique used to inflate a website’s search engine rankings artificially. On the other hand, Google is becoming increasingly adept at detecting keyword stuffing and punishing pages that do so.

Stuffing the page with keywords detracts from the user’s experience and further damages the page.

The number of keywords you should try to rank for varies on the type of page and the word count. There are many fewer keywords that a 1000-word post will be capable of ranking for.

 What Is The Optimal Density For A Keyword?

On-page SEO is influenced by keyword density. The number of times a particular keyword appears on a single page is keyword density. Even though keyword density isn’t the most crucial component in SEO, it’s a good idea to get it just right.

Count the number of times the targeted keyword appears on the first page of Google. This is a great way to get a sense of what Google prefers, so it’s worth following.

Do a Google search for your term and see how many times the top-ranking websites mention it.

Using all of the websites, you can get the average keyword density, which is ideal in this case. As you may expect, this varies from keyword to keyword; therefore, there isn’t a single optimal keyword density.

When it comes to on-page SEO, the location of your keyword at the top of a page is critical. Putting the keyword in the first 100-150 words can help Google rapidly comprehend what you’re trying to target.

Is It Necessary To Use More Than One Keyword On Your Homepage?

Attempting to rank for your company’s URL should be the sole goal of your homepage. You should not utilise your website’s landing page as a keyword research tool to rank for various keywords.

Before even reading a word, a user’s first reaction to a website will be to click away; thus, making the homepage visually appealing to them is essential.

Google and visitors should know what your website is all about through your homepage SEO. Among the things you may do to improve your homepage are as follows:

  •         Use your brand name or primary product as the page title.
  •         Make your meta description enjoyable.
  •         Make use of the correct headings in the correct sequence.
  •         A logo can help with recognition.
  •         To reduce the bounce rate, increase the speed.

Keep in mind that your homepage is more than just a way to improve your keyword rankings. To keep them coming back as potential consumers, it should be the place where you establish trust with your visitors.


The use of relevant keywords is critical. Their quantity isn’t all that important, but their quality matters. It would help if you used pertinent keywords to aid you in the long run. 

There are several factors to consider when deciding how many keywords to use on a single page and here’s why we need professional SEO services for it. In other words, if you want your brand or website to do well, you need to use the appropriate combination of keywords.


Pentra SEO Agency

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